The directional microphone trained on Foresters Cottage could pick up every word uttered inside at several hundred yards. 对准福雷斯特小屋的定向扩音器在几百码远的地方也能捕捉到里面的人所说的任何一句话。
The Influence of Different Channel Adaptive Directional Microphone Setups on the Spoken Language Understandability 单通道与多通道自适应方向性麦克风助听器对正常成年人噪声下言语识别率的影响
FOM-3140: Highly directional fiber optical microphone system with adaptive noise reduction for close-talking communications in the presence of strong EM and RF fields. 高定位光纤麦克风的自适应降噪系统用于密切讨论强大的电磁和射频方面的工作。
Gaussian amplifier directional frequency characteristic of microphone 高斯频率特性放大器
Positional response of carbon microphone directional frequency characteristic of microphone 碳粒传声器倾斜角特性
Comparison Between Two Kinds of Directional Microphone With Parabolic Configurations 两种抛物面形状的指向性传声器的比较
A new method of integrating directional microphone and adaptive noise cancellation is presented in the text and had better result in simulation. 文章提出一种将指向性麦克风和自适应抵消法相结合的方法,在仿真试验中取得了较好的结果。
The directional characteristic of microphone is an important factor in the measurement of directional distribution of sound field. 传声器的指向性对声场方向性分布的测量有很大影响。
For a broadband AANC system, a smaller arrangement-angle can improve the directional radiation ability of the secondary source, and reduce the acoustic feedback from the secondary source to the input microphone, and this will greatly improve the stability of the control system. 对宽带有源消声系统而言,可以提高次级声源的指向性,减小系统存在的“声反馈”现象,提高控制系统的工作稳定性。
Mainly include the design of directional multi microphone system, two channel procession circuit, notch filter, squelch, wide dynamic range compression ( WDRC), tone generator. 主要包括方向性麦克风系统、双通道信号处理、消除声反馈、消除背景噪声、宽动态压缩、纯音发生器等部分的设计。
Conclusion Adaptive directional microphone worked best when the noise source was changing or the noise was coming not only from behind but also from other directions; 结论自适应指向传声器适宜于环境噪声不仅来自身后或/和主要噪声源在变换方向的听环境;
Fixed directional microphone could be employed when the noise came from the rear; 固定指向传声器适宜于噪声仅来自身后的听环境;